Easter 3B


April 15


This ministry of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in West Virginia is supported by your gifts to Disciples Mission Fund.


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Scripture  (from the Revised Common Lectionary, with links provided by TextWeek.com – a source for thoughtful worship and preaching throughout the year):


Click on Scripture Lessons below for study links and resources:

Acts 3:12-19

Psalm 4 1 John 3:1-7 Luke 24:36b-48  (or 24:13-49)


Suggested Hymns from Chalice Hymnal

231-Sing of one who walks beside us

636-Abide with me

221-The strife is o’er, the battle done

222-Christ is risen

589-Lord, I want to be a Christian

398-Be known to us in breaking bread

419-All who hunger gather gladly

609-Take my life and let it be


More hymn suggestions, as well as helpful references for use of the arts in worship, are available from the United Church of Christ website.   


Hymn of the Day  from Rev. William Flewelling (© 2018, William Flewelling; All rights reserved)

On Acts 3:1-19


By the majesty of Jesus

risen from the three day tomb,

sending freshly out the Spirit

to entice these faithing hearts –

here the touch of Jesus enters,

brings the lame to walk, to leap.

Alleluia! Rise in wonder

to perceive his saving love.


Do remember how this Savior

came unto the standing cross,

there to suffer in his passion,

there to die, to rend the day.

Do remember now the rising

by the hand of God alone,

rising for us in victory

showing forth life’s Author’s grace.


Beyond the ignorance and shame,

unto urgency to claim

how the moment of the Savior

infiltrates and sets all free:

come unto the call of Jesus,

knowing how he savors you.

Come, come now.  Repent for glory,

wreathe your life in prescient joy.                Suggested tune: Rex Gloriae


Dealing with the Psalm of the Day:

Since Chalice Hymnal does not provide a complete Psalter, there will be occasions when suggestions may be made for alternate Psalm use (or hymn equivalent).  A metrical version of the Psalter, for those Psalms not provided in Chalice Hymnal, is being prepared by Rev. David Chafin.  Where practical, these may be offered here as well.  You may also want to visit http://lectionarypsalms.org/   

This week:  Psalm 4 is not in the hymnal.


Concerning the Following Items: Except where otherwise noted, items are created or adapted by the editor.  If you are aware of source notations which are missing, please bring them to his attention.  No copyright infringement is intended, but is sure to happen.


Call to Worship  

L: The Risen One has come alongside us on our journey from the empty tomb.

P: He speaks to us with love and encouragement the word that frees us from our sorrows.

L: A guest among us, he becomes the Host.

P: He makes himself known still today in the breaking of bread.

L: Let us celebrate the promise of life, for Christ is risen.

P: Christ is risen, indeed. Alleluia!



L: We gather in the name of the living Christ to worship God.

P: Surely, God is in this place and calls us to worship in spirit and in truth.

L: God’s love is for you and for all people everywhere.

P: That we may share God’s love and life, may we be renewed in the refreshing Spirit of the living Christ.

L: The living Christ is with us.

P: Praise the Lord!


Invocation or Prayer of Approach  

Life-giving God, as we continue to celebrate the resurrection of Christ, we pray that we may be bound together in Christian love and that our faith and fellowship may be a witness through which your spirit will bring others into your church. We humbly thank you for your many blessings you have given us. We ask that we may learn how to truly be Easter people and always remember that we are celebrating resurrection day every day, for we pray through Jesus our Christ (who taught us to pray, “Our Father…”)



You who have created us and sustain us: we come with thanksgiving for these moments when we can ease the pace of our lives and listen for your voice. Create a spirit within us that truly draws us toward you and toward our brothers and sisters; a spirit deep, perceptive, gentle and bold. Clear our minds, open our hearts and touch us with your presence and your power. We offer this prayer in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord (who taught us to pray, “Our Father…”)


Pastoral Prayer – Prayers of the People – Intercessions

Holy God, we come before you in prayer, lifting to you the joys and concerns, the hopes and dreams of our lives. May we also be open to your voice in our lives that we may see with new eyes, and hear with new ears, the direction you will have us to go.


Bless, we pray, this gathering of your people that we may grow and flourish in your love and grace for the purpose to which you have called us.


Hear our prayers for those whose lives have touched us—those who are in pain, those who are ill, those who grieve. May we touch their lives not only through our prayers, but through our lives and actions as well.


Guide us, bless us, uplift us, and hold us, for we are your children called to our purpose in your world. Hear our prayers, those spoken and those hidden in our hearts, we pray in the name of Christ our Lord.



Lord of life, hear us as we lift to you our hopes and prayers for the church and the world. Let your grace empower us as people of faith to better serve you in the common places of our lives, and in the people we meet on our faith journeys. Open our eyes to the living Christ as we pray for and work with the poor, the broken-hearted, the sick and the bereaved.


Hear our prayers for those who are close to our hearts. In your resurrecting power, lift them up and give them renewed strength and hope; and give to us all new faith by which to live our days with you. Then will our lives be living witness to your resurrection, made whole by your love and care. In Christ’s Spirit we pray.



Holy God, we come before you in prayer, lifting to you the joys and concerns, the hopes and dreams of our lives. May we also be open to your voice in our lives that we may see with new eyes, and hear with new ears, the direction you will have us to go.


Bless, we pray, this gathering of your people that we may grow and flourish in your love and grace for the purpose to which you have called us.


Hear our prayers for those whose lives have touched us—those who are in pain, those who are ill, those who grieve. May we touch their lives not only through our prayers, but through our lives and actions as well.


Guide us, bless us, uplift us, and hold us, for we are your children called to our purpose in your world. Hear our prayers, those spoken and those hidden in our hearts, we pray in the name of Christ our Lord.


Prayers from Common Worship*



Almighty Father,

who in your great mercy gladdened the disciples

with the sight of the risen Lord:

give us such knowledge of his presence with us,

that we may be strengthened and sustained by his risen life

and serve you continually in righteousness and truth;

through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,

who is alive and reigns with you,

in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

one God, now and for ever.


Post Communion


Living God,

your Son made himself known to his disciples

in the breaking of bread:

open the eyes of our faith,

that we may see him in all his redeeming work;

who is alive and reigns, now and for ever.


Additional Collect


Risen Christ,

you filled your disciples with boldness and fresh hope:

strengthen us to proclaim your risen life

and fill us with your peace,

to the glory of God the Father.


Collect of the Day (from Book of Common Prayer, 1979**)

O God, whose blessed Son made himself known to his

disciples in the breaking of bread: Open the eyes of our faith,

that we may behold him in all his redeeming work; who lives

and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God,

now and for ever.  Amen.


Collect of the Day  from Rev. William Flewelling (© 2018, William Flewelling; All rights reserved)

Luke 24:36b-48


Among us in our confusion, stand, O God,

in Jesus, opening to us the surety

of resurrection peace.

In everything beyond our ken,

create in us the witness soaked in awe

that we endure the suffering

begetting peace and more.


Service of Table  

While all of our congregations navigate the Sacred Board in a different way, it seems, there are common elements in most, which are provided here.  We would love to hear if your congregation has variations to these elements which we might address in the future. 


Offertory / Invitation to Give

All good things come from God, the giver of life. We are called as stewards of God’s gifts to share in fulfillment of God’s purposes for creation. As stewards of the kingdom of God, let us give from our abundance with thanksgiving.



Through our offerings we affirm God’s leadership. In the letter to the Ephesians we hear this charge: “Be imitators of God, as beloved children, and walk in love as Christ loved us and gave himself for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.”


Offertory Prayer

Holy one, your heart abounds with gifts. Receive this offering as a sign of our trust in you and our intention to live surrounded by your mercy, inspired by your Spirit, open to the joy of your presence, hospitable to one another, and generous toward your world. Amen.



With hearts of praise, O Lord, we dedicate to you these gifts as tokens of our lives and work. Use them, as you use us, to the fulfilling of your purposes for creation, that we might give glory to you not only in the hearing, but in the doing of your word.


Invitation to the Table

As a people who have been reborn by the power of Christ’s resurrection, we are gathered by our loving God to share the gifts of Christ’s table. He has offered himself to us in this meal, and promises to be known in our midst when we gather in his name. The gifts of God are for all the people of God. Let us unite our hearts and minds in this sacrament of memory, of unity, and of love.


Prayer of Thanksgiving (Prayers for Bread and Cup)

(The following may be offered as one prayer, or broken between two Elders, if that is the tradition to be followed)

Holy One, you speak to us in silence, yet all languages interpret you. Because you call us into this community, we are able to become a gift to one another. We pray for your Holy Spirit to descend upon us and upon these gifts of bread and wine, that in sharing them we may discern your presence which becomes our life. We thank you for your anointed one, Jesus, who through his life, crucifixion, death and resurrection lived fully the promise of redemptive wholeness that is available to all who would obey your creating will. We celebrate his gifts, we rejoice in your presence, loving God, now and always.



You, O Lord, have given yourself to us in Jesus Christ our Savior. By his offering of himself for the sake of the world, you have gathered together your Church. Send forth the power of your Holy Spirit upon us gathered here out of love for you, and upon these gifts of bread and wine, which we offer up in unity with Christ’s offering of himself; so that empowered by your grace and enabled by your love, we may be his body in this world, bringing his good news of life to every corner of it. Through him, with him, and in him, in the power of the Holy Spirit, all glory and honor be to you, O God, now and forever. Amen.


Conclusion:  Through him, with him, and in him, in the power of the Holy Spirit, all glory and honor be to you, O God, now and forever. Amen.

If not previously offered: “And now with the confidence of your children, we offer the prayer our Savior taught us, ‘Our Father…’



Resources from the Jubilee Fund: This stewardship ministry serving the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) offers weekly emails for each Sunday’s service.  Visit http://www.thejubileefund.com/ to learn more.

Rev. Tim Graves offers Liturgy Bits with valuable, culturally sensitive and creatively contemplative works, well worth your time.

You may also want to visit Worship Connection at MinistryMatters.com, which offers numerous helps, including electronic versions of print resources for worship and preaching planning.

Intercessions and other helpful planning materials geared to the Lectionary (using Roman Catholic version, but normally quite useful for all traditions) for preaching and worship are supplied for several weeks in advance at The Sunday Website of St. Louis University. 


Common Worship Almanac and Lectionary for the year beginning Advent Sunday 2017.  Compiled by Simon Kershaw August 2016 from the Common Worship Calendar and Lectionaries using Almanac Maker; compilation © Simon Kershaw 2017; Almanac Maker © Simon Kershaw 2010.   The Revised Common Lectionary is copyright © the Consultation on Common Texts 1992.  The Daily Eucharistic Lectionary is adapted from the Ordo Lectionum Missae of the Roman Catholic Church reproduced by permission of the International Commission on English in the Liturgy.  Adaptations and additions to the RCL and the DEL, together with Second and Third Service lectionaries and the Weekday Lectionary for Morning and Evening Prayer are copyright © the Archbishops’ Council 1997-2010.   http://almanac.oremus.org/lectionary


Book of Common Prayer (1979), Public domain.


NOTE:  We hope you return to this posting often (and are subscribed to the feed by email, on Facebook or your favorite reader), since the content of each week’s posting may change several times before Sunday.  We’d also like to include your content, even after the fact, since everything will roll around again in 3 years, and your contributions may find new life in the great cycle of the lectionary.  Send your comments or content here.


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